Welcome, Mama! Today I want to explore our inner world. I guess you could call it our soul garden. I want us to give it a good hard look and notice what is healthy and flourishing and where we need to dig up old roots and weed out the pesky hunks of debris that are causing a ruckus, so we can enjoy all the awesomeness that lies within.
Ya with me?
These days I find myself more inspired than I’ve ever been. It’s a blessed relief because, let me tell you, it’s been a looooong road to get here. But SUCH a worthwhile one. Becoming a mom has pushed me to learn and stretch and grow in all kinds of new ways, as I’m sure it has for you as well. I am so grateful. After all, THIS is our life. In this very moment. It’s happening as we wipe snotty noses and make yet another snack. It’s happening as we snuggle our babes and listen to their sweet voices. It’s happening as we rest our tired bodies that have given so much throughout the day. And it’s happening right now as we delve within to see what’s serving us and what we can release.
On that note, I find it simultaneously amazing and baffling that every thought we think and every word we speak is creating our future.
I’m going to say that one more time just to let it sink in.
Every thought we think and every word we speak is creating our future.
It’s as though our thoughts go out into the universe and are accepted and brought back to us as experience.
Powerful stuff, eh? I mean, for much of my life my thoughts ran amok, and while it was a constant cacophony of noise, judgment (largely of myself) and busyness, I didn’t think I had a say over it.
It was like the deepest breath of fresh air when I learned otherwise.
The late, great Louise Hay tells us that, “If you can really accept the fact that every time you think a thought or speak a word, you are literally painting your future. You are creating your own life.” She goes on to say, “Once you accept it, you can start deliberately creating what you want in your life, and you begin to be aware of what you don’t want in your life and how you’re contributing to it.”
It’s exciting to grasp the fact that we aren’t victim to our thoughts, that we can actually take charge and shift the wild and wily landscape of our mind.
Can I get an amen?!
It wasn’t until I became a mama that I felt super motivated to dive deeper and start watching my thoughts more closely, becoming a thought ninja of sorts.
My turning point came during a time of serious financial struggle. My husband and I were constantly worried about money. We were living way outside our means. Each month we were working a bunch, hustling our hearts out, to make ends meet. We were stressed. We had tiny mouths to feed. One month, in particular, we couldn’t cover our expenses and had to borrow money from one of my closest friends. I felt like a real loser. I wanted desperately to have ease around money. I wanted desperately to reconnect to my calm center.
Up until that time, I was largely unaware that the money drama had created all kinds of internal upheaval. My thoughts were like seeds I’d been planting. Some of them were very old with shockingly deep roots (I had a longstanding finicky belief that there was never enough money, and frankly, I believed I wasn’t smart enough to figure it out) and others were fresh (I’m too tired/I’m burned out/life is chaotic), just making their internal mark into the soil of my mind. I was watering and, with open arms, welcoming all these insidious weeds to take over my inner landscape. Eek.
Little by little I started to understand that I really could create a different garden, or mindset, one that is lovely and nourishing, one that evokes peace and freedom. I could grow different, better beliefs.
Law of attraction is an age-old belief that like attracts like—or rather, one type of energy will attract a similar energy. It works on the principle that you are responsible for what you create in your life. And if you’re attracting it into your life, you also have the ability to change it. I was aware of the theory, though I wasn’t actually practicing the concepts. I decided it was worth the effort. I had nothing to lose and everything to gain if it worked.
I started to study it in detail, reading books, listening to podcasts, pulling up every YouTube video I could get my hands on. (By the way, I adore Abraham-Hicks’ books and videos!) I learned that all matter is composed of energy. Even our thoughts and feelings carry energy. Case in point, when you walk into a room where two people have had an argument. Even if they’re no longer there, the energy lingers. Or there’s the way a bad mood can easily spread. We react to the negative energy of another and pick it up almost in the same way a cold is caught. When someone is in a happy mood, that can be contagious too, lifting us up and out of our doldrums.
Law of attraction can pretty much be summed up like this… the feelings and images that you hold in your mind will manifest in your life. If you’re happy and optimistic, you’ll notice more to be happy and optimistic about. If you’re negative and pessimistic… well, I’m sure you’ve guessed it.
I began taking the steps to effect positive change.
Here they are:
01: Ask
02: Believe
03: Receive
(They seemed too simple.)
So I asked. Well, really, I begged for financial ease. By the way, my husband had jumped fully on board as well, creating a positive money mindset alongside me. Strength in numbers and all.
Next, I believed. I imagined the feeling of having enough (and oh, did it feel good!). I soaked up that feeling, which is a really important part of the process. I told myself that there was enough, always. All I needed to do was believe and feel the existence of it. I adopted a sense of trust and gratitude for what was happening and for all that I already had. And I kept working hard toward my goal (action is key as well).
And then, guess what? The next month I received! My amazing friend’s company made gobs of money, and I was a shareholder (not because I bought into the company, but rather I had unknowingly been gifted this opportunity). Suddenly, we had enough to pull us out of our hole. It was incredible, really. Soon thereafter, my husband got a raise. Extra money started to come in from random places. Boo-yaaaaah! Thank you, Universe.
This process helped to streamline the rest. Ease entered its way back into my being. I saw that the universe really does have my back (and my husband’s, and yours, and everyone else’s). I saw that by asking and believing I would certainly receive, and thus, all the other weeds within could undoubtedly be plucked up as well.
So I ask you, Mama, what soul garden are you currently tending???
I encourage you to nestle in and become aware of what is working and what isn’t. Give yourself opportunities in your day to pause and notice your state of mind. What are you experiencing (anxiety, fear, exhaustion, excitement, ease)? Is it serving you? Does it bring you joy? Or is it causing suffering? Take a moment to jot down what’s coming up in a journal, on a scrap piece of paper, or in the notes section on your phone, so you can deepen your awareness around what’s taking shape within.
It is utterly remarkable that we have the capacity to recreate our world through every thought we think and every word we speak. Now, let’s get down to the important business of clearing the clutter that’s holding us back and creating the life we truly desire.
We got this!
Sending love on your journey,
P.S. If you need support, I’m here for you! Contact me to set up a complimentary call to see if coaching with me is a good fit.